Drive now! Pay later!

Why should I finance my car parts?

Financing can be beneficial in a number of ways. One of the main benefits is that it allows the buyer to purchase a product immediately and also allows the buyer to spread the cost of the product over a longer period of time, making the purchase more affordable on a bi-weekly basis! Also did I tell you it's


For example: You want to purchase a product worth $1000, this will be split into 4 different payments of $250 on a bi-weekly basis, nothing added on top.
(Check the beautifully hand crafted diagram below)

This can be especially beneficial for those who have a tight deadline for their project, say you need to finish on time for a track day, SEMA, or a local car event near you! Or if you are a serious dedicated car enthusiast that just wants to finish their build as quick as possible. 

Now before you get started, we recommend signing up with AfterPay

Here's a quick guide on How AfterPay Works